Tailwind Conflict with Boostrap

Tailwind Conflict with Bootstrap


  • I have a legacy project that I will continue to maintain for my client.
  • The project was based on Laravel & Bootstrap
  • There's a lot of revamp needs to be made in design
  • Not only in design, but new features are planned to be added, existing features modified.
  • Because, I'm at best when using React, so I integrated it with Inertia / React (with Tailwind) for new features
    • I let existing features to exists using legacy rendering system & styles
    • Mostly only new major feature & modification that will need to use Inertia
    • New feature & some modification will need to use Tailwind
    • I need to integrate shadcn-ui to improve developer productivity (me)

Current condition

  • Integration with Inertia > React was smooth
  • Overall, there's no issue with integration, all existings features are working properly and styling is not affected.


  • The problem now is when I tried to use shadcn-ui, the styling is get overriden by existing Bootstrap classes.
  • It's because there's naming conflict, e.g both Bootstrap and Tailwind has same "p-5", "bg-primary", etc but have different css value
  • It makes the shadcn-ui renders wrong styling


  • Use Tailwind prefix both configured in tailwind.config.js & components.json (shadcn-ui)
  • Pick "tw-" for prefix
  • This way existing bootstrap classes are left untouched, and whenever I want to use tailwind classes I need to use the prefix.
  • Also because shadcn-ui is configured to use prefix, now whenever I add new components it will default to use the prefix
  • All existing installed shadcn-ui components needs to be reinstalled.

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